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Effect of Zidovudine Regimens on CD4 Count over Time

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Joint Effort with Ian Hu, and Cristobal Sanhueza


Measuring the impact of four different Zidovudine treatments on the CD4 Counts in AIDS patients. We seek to compare the effects of these treatments:

Domain Expertise

The data used for this project is based in the biomedical domain. Although we are not specialized in this domain, our professor provided context for this problem.

Some important information to note:

For this paper, we have defined advanced immune suppression to have CD4  counts of less than or equal to  50  cells/mm^3.

Additionally, we will measure the impact on the log of CD4 Counts rather than CD4 counts. There are several reasons for measuring it this way- the normalization of the distribution among individuals over time and making it easier to handle the wide range of CD4 Counts. The results will then be correctly interpreted for CD4 Counts.

Data Provenance

This data was provided in a clean format by our professor to complete this project. The variables included are:

We then converted treatment and gender to factors before beginning.

Technical Stack

Completed in R using the tidyverse, pander, and GGally packages.



AIDS patients with advanced immunosuppression hoping to increase their CD4 count can have the assurance that the daily regimen of zidovudine plus 400mg of didanosine or a daily regimen if zidovudine plus 400mg of nevirapine, namely treatments 3 and 4, is predicted to have a net positive effect on their CD4 count.


Our model suggest that treatments involving zidovudine combined with other drugs (particularly treatments 3 and 4, including didanosine and nevirapine) show statistically significant improvements in CD4 counts over time compared to the baseline treatment of zidovudine alone.

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